close  This is an article I wrote about Vincent's 8 teeth in Nov 2006.

I received a leaflet from NHS staff, talking about baby's teeth care , and they ecourage parents to register dentist when baby's first teeth comes out. But the thing is I did went to a dentist, and the reception refused to register for Vincent. She insist that he shouldn't  be registered until he is 2 years old. This is a little bit wired, as a foreigner I could do nothing but wait.

我在2006年11月有寫過如何照顧飯糰的8顆牙齒,當時我拿到NHS工作人員的宣傳單,宣導如何照顧幼兒的牙齒,他們鼓勵父母在小孩第一顆牙冒出後就去註冊牙醫. 之後我真的去牙醫註冊,但櫃檯小姐堅持小孩要兩歲以上才可以註冊,這真的是一個政策不連貫的國家,但我也無法說啥!

Vincent always refused to open his mouse to brush teeth properly even I played DVD lots of times to teach him how to brush teeth. I really hated to brush his teeth in that period of time. Also, I have been worried about Vincent's teeth, because i have lots of decayed teeth. Unlike my husband, my teeth is not strong and get decayed easily. I have nearly no tooth which is compeletly healthy. For genetic link, I heartly wish Vincent's teeth will get the good gene from his dad. 
當然之後我就開始嘗試給飯糰刷牙,他總是拒絕好好張開嘴巴刷牙,最後都要搞得人仰馬翻, 我甚至試過各種的方法,也播巧虎錄影帶給他看了一百次以上, 很長的一段時間, 每天最痛苦的就是要幫他刷牙! 我心裏一直很擔心他的牙齒,因為糰媽有一口的爛牙, 不同於糰爸的牙齒不用刷也不會蛀牙, 糰媽幾乎沒有一顆牙齒是健全的, 為了不要讓飯糰遭受像媽媽一樣的痛苦, 我心裏一直祈禱他的牙會得到他爸爸的好遺傳!

I kept on trying all kinds of ways to encourage him to open his mouth but was in vain. One day, I told him taht I saw there are some warms inside his mouth, then he opened his mouth suddently and asked me to help to brush his teeth. So I am a little bit released after that.
之後我仍然秉持著努力不懈的精神,找尋各種方法來說服他好好刷牙,就有這麼一天, 我突然跟他說我看到你的嘴巴裡面有蟲蟲,他竟然瞬間張開嘴巴給我刷,爾後還常常要我幫他刷............終於每天最痛苦的事情少了一件!

One month ago, I registered a dentist for Vincent nearby, and made an appointment. Today is the 'big day' that Vincent had his first appointment with dentist. I talked to him that dentist will check if there is any warm in his mouth and he agreed. In order to get him accustomed to the dentist, we were there 10 mins earlier. He looked so natural in waiting area, and played with other grown ups. After waiting for 45 mins. Finally the sacred moment came, he refused to go inside..........The dentist is a female, she tried to lead him to seat on the check-chair or open his mouth with a ballon but in vain. After 5 mins, the dentist suggest us to come 6 month later cos she doesn't want to force him to cause a bad memory of the dentist. 
一個月前我終於幫飯糰成功註冊了牙醫,也預約了第一次的看牙! 今天就是那個大日子的來到, 這兩天我不斷地跟他說我們要去看牙醫檢查嘴巴裡面有沒有蟲蟲,他也很像聽得懂說好, 為了讓他可以熟悉牙醫的環境,我們提早了10分鐘, 不同於之前到GP的經驗飯糰在等候趨是那麼自然與快樂, 跟一堆老人玩了很久, 等了漫長的45分鐘,終於輪到飯糰,他突然哭著不進去看診室...............牙醫是一位女醫生,他開始誘導飯糰讓他檢查, 用一個氣球, 總之我家飯糰是一個很難纏的小孩, 五分鐘後醫生也懶得跟他搏鬥, 建議我們六個月後再來, 他不想讓飯糰對牙醫留下不好的印象!

Then what we did is waiting for 50 mins to get a BALLON...with a pattern of toothbrush and toothpaste...........


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