
六月六日 學校要照這一學期的照片,糰媽特別幫飯糰打扮一下! 
This is the photo tooked by nursery, what came to our mind with the first sight is  "looks like a human being". It sounds as if Vincent is an alien from other planet.^_^

I especially like his classmates from different countries.

隨著學期的一個段落,老師給了我們一本飯糰的專輯,將他在學校的一些學習及活動狀況做一個整理報告,這本報告讓糰爸糰媽很感動,讓我有種花了錢,但是很值得的心情!!  飯糰最近在各方面真的有很大的進展,特別是表達!(兩歲半)

School hand on a portfolio of Vincent to us in which records his educational condition and activitities in nursery. We were moved by the portfolio, and there came a feeling that it's worth to spend the money ^_^.

Below is the report made by nursery teacher.

Personal, social and emotional development
Vincent has settled well in nursery. He seperates from his parents with confidence. He has gainded a sense of belonging e. g. he can recognise his nappy box and name card. He begins to learn about sharing things with peers. He likes to do thinkgs by himself e.g. puts on his shoes and does hygiene routines.

Communication, language and literacy
Due to bilingual environment at home and at the nursery, Vincent is in th process of building up his understanding on communication and use of language. He can now use body language such as eye contact, facial expressions adn gestures and isolated word to communicate. He particularly shows interest in the 'Good Morning Song'.

Problem solving, reasoning and numeracy
Vincent has begun to count and able to count up to 5 with adult support. He can sort and match objects by colour.

Knowledge and understanding of the world
Vincent shows a positive approach and interest in exploring objects and surroundings. He enjoys playing with cars and trains. He is beginning to gain a sense of place, knows where the nursery's book/home corner is and where to put away toys.

Physical development
Vincent moves with confidence, contral and coordination. He likes to climb and slide on the climbing frame and riding tricycle. He participates in various physical activities - movement play session and competitions(riding tricycle). He becomes more skillful in using simple tools such as painting brush.

Creative development
Vincent can recognise colours visually, but cannot name them yet. He likes to experiment with paints - colours mixing and painting using painting brushes.


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