
In one of the volunteer courses, we were discussing about development and safeguarding of children. Normally, if you find there are no toys in a family with kids under 5s, you may preconceive that the parents neglect their kids. But what happened before is a family from undeveloped country was confused about the question do you have toys in your house? For everyone makes toys themselves in their country.

From this point of view, I can say that the life style in undeveloped countries is more eco and energy-saving. According to UN Human Development Report explains, "Inequalities in consumption are stark. Globally, the 20% of the world's people in the highest-income countries account for 86% of total private consumption expenditures - the poorest 20% a miniscule 1.3%."

The report goes on to state that the richest 20% of the population: 

  • Consume 45% of all meat and fish, the poorest fifth 5%.  
  • Consume 58% of total energy, the poorest fifth less than 4%  
  • Have 74% of all telephone lines, the poorest fifth 1.5%. Consume 84% of all paper, the poorest fifth 1.1%.  
  • Own 87% of the world's vehicles, the poorest fifth less than 1%. 

(Data adopted from

For those who have got used to the convenience contributed by industrialization, how can we try to do something not really big but different? As a mom, I can try to get second hand clothes and recycled toys. 70% of toys and clothes are second-hand. It sounds really poor but I started to feel proud of this. Recently we started to make some toys by my own, not only for reducing CO2 emissions but also for improving the relationship between.

We were making paper planes, and my plane couldn
t fly at all. I tried to find some ideas from web site, there is one really nice, even its in Chinese, but you can still fellow step by step from the animation. Try it now!! 
(pick a type of plane first, then press the gray bottom下一步 on the right side to get to the next step.)

義工課時,在討論幼兒發展,一般來說到訪一個有五歲以下小孩的家庭,若是沒看到任何玩具不是很奇怪嗎? 有可能要懷疑一下他們家庭父母對小孩可能有忽略的問題(neglect)!! 但是曾經發生,某國的家庭因故遷徙到倫敦,當別人問他小孩的玩具呢?? 他們感到納悶,為什麼要有玩具?? 因為在他們的國家小孩子玩的都是自製玩具!!

從這個例子背後可以想到,未開發國家的生活方式是比較環保且節能的, 根據UN Human Development Report資料顯示,全球 20%人口居住在最高所得的國家, 這些人的總消費支出佔了全球的86%,20%最貧窮人口的消費支出卻僅只有1.3%. 這個調查驗證了一件事情,人只要窮一點真的會減少很多二氧化碳的排放,就像我們住在倫敦比較擷鉅,跟在台北比,每日二氧化碳的排放量應該是減少了至少三分之二以上

   全球最有錢的2 0%人口消費  全球最窮5%人口消費
 魚肉  45%  <5%
 能源  58%  <4%
 電話線  74%  1.5%


   84%  1.1%


 車子擁有  87%  <1%



對於已經習慣於工業化所帶來便利生活的我們如何盡量來貢獻小小的力量呢? 身為一個媽媽,能做的是盡量撿二手的衣服,盡量買二手的玩具. 讓資源有效的流通!像飯糰有70%的玩具跟衣服都是二手的,聽起來好像很可憐,但我覺得很自豪呢! Haha! 而自己動手做一些玩具,除了可以減碳,還可以培養親子感情喔! 




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