
(this is 6 weeks-old's Vincent)

I never have the thought that breast feeding is an effort to reduce CO2 emission. I found this idea from a friend
s blog which mentioned about breast feeding is not only the healthiest way for raising your baby, but also can reduce the CO2 emission. Even if you have difficulty to breast feeding, you can also reduce CO2 emission by choosing formula according to its FOOD MILES

Unlike in UK , Taiwan has various kinds of formula imported from different countries. Therefore, the idea of food miles of formulas can be a much more important issue. 

In the end of the article, they provide a table comparing food miles of different formulas. Although I can
t say we have to choose the lowest one, but it does provide a different aspect for consumer (parents) to take into consideration. ( in Chinese ) 

In my experience, after weaning (around 6-7 months), your baby might can have soya milk or whole milk instead of formula. But make sure that the ingredient if ok for baby. As I know, whole milk in Taiwan is more sweet than those in UK . You can also give baby some puree made by vegetables and fruits to provide them nutrition they need. 

About the idea of food miles and CO2 emission, there are some informations on BBC website. It looks like a complicated issue that when you mention about food mile, it comes with many other processes contribute to the carbon footprint of our food. Agriculture, processing, storage and the way we shop all have to be factored into the bigger carbon emissions picture.”

身為一個母親,我從來沒有想過餵母乳跟減碳有什麼關係, 最近讀到一個朋友的部落格中提到這樣的概念, 說明餵母乳不僅對寳寳最好, 而且還可以減碳, 而若是一定得使用奶粉, 那就將奶粉的食物里程納入參考,或許也是一個不錯的減碳計畫 ( in Chinese ) 

台灣跟英國不同,在英國新生兒奶粉的品牌一隻手就可以算出來吧! 台灣的奶粉種類可能兩手兩腳都數不完!! 因此奶粉的食物里程在台灣應該可以成為選擇奶粉的重要指標在文章最後有一個表格比較不同奶粉所估計的食物里程,ㄟ據我側面了解,台灣沒有足夠的乳牛,因此台灣好像沒有生產奶粉

另一個提供大家參考的是我自己的經驗~~小孩斷奶後,你可以給他全脂牛奶或豆漿(吃素的家庭小孩是喝豆漿的喔), 加上一些副食品或水果及蔬菜(甚至加入一些肉)做的泥,注重他所需要的營養,應該是足夠養大這個小孩吧!! 

而有關[食物里程]的概念,可以上BBC網站上面去看,這些資料可以幫助我們更深入的思考[減碳][食物里程]的關係! 似乎食物里程只是減碳的一環,背後需要了解的是整個食物運輸的過程以及人們消費食物的方式………..不過總之多了解一些資訊,對於我們在執行某些好事情的同時,可以做出更精確的判斷!! 因為潮流式的善行或許會導致更嚴重的災難, 比如糰爸跟糰媽說明, [日光節約時間]原本是善意的希望減少地球能源的消耗, 但有科學家研究, 這反而導致了更嚴重的能源消耗, 因為大家提早下班都跑去玩了, 雖然這個例子是沒有經過驗證, 但確實我們應該要想清楚自己在做什麼, 才不至於淪為隨波逐流!! 每一個觀點都是一個提醒,而非絕對,因此大家要努力啦!!




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