

前一陣子不是提到飯糰最近愛上一台Bob the builder的黃色挖土機, Scoop. 
飯糰看到他就廢寢忘食, 整天抱著他, 因此前鎮子趁飯糰上學我們把他藏起來了......
上星期,再度的把Scoop給他玩,晚上睡覺還是堅持要跟Scoop睡, 半夜睡到一半, 聽到機械關節轉動聲(飯糰睡夢中在玩Scoop),然後唱"怪怪怪~~~~" My God.!!

最近媽媽在翻Agros目錄,想送給飯糰一個Thomas火車的床套被單... 這本厚厚的目錄,裡面什麼家庭用品'玩具'露營'金飾都有,飯糰很厲害自己翻著目錄,自己也在唱歌, "Bob the builder, 怪怪怪~~"

不過最好笑的事,你看完下面的歌詞候,你會發現那"怪怪怪"是那兒來的??? 真是怪怪怪....~~

Bob 的歌詞如下

Bob the Builder - Can We Fix It?
Take your places
Can we fix it?
Yes we can

Bob the Builder * 2
(Can we fix it?)
Bob the Builder
(Yes we can)
Scoot, muck and Dizzy
And Roly too
Lofty and Wendy
Join the crew
Bob and the gang
have so much fun
Working together
They get the job done

Time to get busy
Such a lot to do
Building and fixing
'Til it's good as new
Bob and the gang
They can really be found
Working all day
'Til the sun goes down

Bob the Builder * 2
(Can we fix it?)
Bob the Builder
(Yes we can)

Oh dear,
Can you fix it?
Right, left a bit, right a little
Okay, break down
We can tackle any situation
look out 'cause here we come
an we dig it? Yes
Can we build it? Yes
Can we fix it? Yes

Bob the Builder * 2
(Can we fix it?)
Bob the Builder
(Yes we can)

Digging and fixing
Having so much fun
Working together
They get the job done

Can we dig it? Yes
Can we build it? Yes
Can we fix it? Yes
Bob the Builder
Bob the Builder
All together now

Bob the Builder
(Can we fix it?)
Fantastic! Yes, Yes, we can
Bob the Builder
(Can we fix it?)
Bob the Builder

Bob the Builder
(Can we fix it?)
Bob the Builder
(Yes we can)


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