今天終於參加了肖想很久的 toddler group ~ Little Starts Drop In 親子社區活動,在Kentish Town Community Center,這個比我們家旁邊的Community Center有規模且明亮,菊色娃娃車走路20多分鐘,還迷路了一下.....飯糰也把鞋子掉了一隻....果然被糰爸料中.....現在剩下右腳那一隻!!

倫敦有很多類似的團體協助各社區進行類似活動,甚至還有一個星期免費幫你看小孩一下子,讓媽媽(或carer)去放鬆一下, 我昨天晚上研究很久,決定到這個Kentish Town Community Center, 據說他是一個月前重新整建開幕的,所以他的設備很讚, 外面停放娃娃車的雨棚還提供"鎖"!!

picture copied from kentish town community center web

約有二十幾個媽媽帶著小孩,年齡也跟飯糰比較相近!! 飯糰在家粘著媽媽,,到了那裡就很大方的跟別人搶玩具,瘋狂的玩耍,絲毫忘了他媽的存在......糰媽只能羞怯地找個角落看著他.....我想比起家旁的圖書館,這裡更令他興奮,讓其他的媽媽也感受到他的興奮........

今天早上太匆忙了因此又忘了帶相機,不過飯糰以他十個月半的年齡可以走路讓其他的媽媽很訝異, 現場亞洲人只有我跟一位越南嫁到英國的太太,很快我們成了朋友,進而認識另一位法國媽媽, 越南媽媽的兒子看到我會誤認為我是他媽的樣子,因為我們都有著一樣的黑頭髮........

此外,現場的指導員還會提供咖啡茶點給大家吃,似乎大家都會帶點"扮手",場地也超大的說~~有玩 有吃 有喝~~~

法國媽媽說Kentish Town Library 明天有 Toy Library 的活動,現場有小朋友的音樂'活動很不錯,我們相約了明天到那邊去玩......忙碌的生活開始摟........................媽媽得幫飯糰每個星期規劃活動時間表...............

這個活動是由一個叫 Sure Start 的組織贊助社區中心舉辦,指導員也很親切,最後他跟我巴拉巴拉了一堆,要我填個表格,加入Sure Start的會員,並且一定要再來!!!!

Kentish Town Children's Library   飯糰: 來點青椒吧 不錯ㄔ喔!!

不喜歡青椒 我煮些馬鈴薯給你們吃!!

Little Stars Drop-In

The Little Stars Drop-In is open three times a week:

  • Tuesday 9.30 - 12.30pm
  • Wednesday 1.30 - 3.30pm
  • Thursday 9.30 - 12.30pm

It is open to all parents and carers and children under the age of 4 who wish to come and have fun with other people from in and around Kentish Town. The Drop-In team, Shelagh O'Gorman and Nuru Keba, ensure that everyone is made to feel welcome and that the children have lots of play which helps them to develop their physical, social and emotional skills.

The Little Stars Drop-In has high-quality toys and an outside play area, where children are currently having fun growing tomatoes and strawberries!

The Under-4s Drop-In is funded by SureStart and has regular visits from professionals who offer fun and informative sessions around healthy eating, dental care advice, employment and housing advice, and welfare rights advice sessions.

This is a free service.


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