
After the hard poo(constipation) incident last few weeks, Vincent finally can do the poo himself . What fun is strated from an "Oh Dear" Story.
自從上次的便秘事件後, 飯糰經歷過一段過度期, 現在終於可以自己去大號了! 小號也完全沒有問題! 這個里程碑來自於一個"Oh Dear"的故事!

Last week, when we were in children library. He said:' mom I am hungry (his tummy is painful), I want to go poo poo.'Then we went to children toilet. In front of the door, he didn't want my company and he said:' mom go there.' He went inside himself.
上星期我們在兒童圖書館, 飯糰說:「媽媽我肚子餓了,我要大便」,然後我帶著他去兒童廁所, 到了廁所門口, 他不讓我進去,執意一個人進去廁所.

I let him go himself but still slipped in toilet to see what's happened. I saw he locked the door and sat on the children toilet, tried very hard to do the poo. "Oh Dear!" he murmured at the same time. 
"My god!! where was he learn these words from?" 
Anyway it seemed that he finished his job. So I asked him:' Do you need help?' , he opened the door and let me in to clean his bum.
為了兒子的"尊嚴",我讓他一個人進去, 但還是忍不住的溜了進去, 他自己鎖了門坐在小馬桶上,很用力的在"恩恩", 然後竟然說了一句'Oh Dear!'  天阿!誰教他的真是太爆笑了! 看到他在說完Oh Dear後似乎已經如廁完畢, 我馬上問他:「媽媽幫忙好嗎」,他隨即起身打開門,讓我幫他擦屁屁!

I told my husband about "Oh Dear!", my husband asked what's "Oh Dear" with kind of kidding. Then I told him it's a kind of  interjection, it means "Oh deer (in mandarin)", similar to "Oh shit".  I was kidding.

回家後,我跟我老公說這個Oh Dear, 我老公不知道哪裡不對問我,啥是Oh Dear?
我說:'就是 "喔!小鹿" 一種嘆詞吧! 跟 喔!屎!(Oh shit) 有點像!! 我胡扯的,哈哈


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