This is from my friend Corrine, I knew her from a friend through my blog. Anyway she is really a nice girl and has lived in UK for more than 10 years, but be sure she is still younger than me. Also she is energetic and green. The article below is some recycling information from Corrine. I also checked Camden's recycling web, I'll try my best  to do the recycling thing much better than before.
Corrine 是巴黎的姐姐的朋友,就是朋友的朋友啦. 他住在倫敦超過10年,但年紀還是比糰媽年輕,是一個充滿熱情的環保人士!  下面是Corrine寫對於倫敦資源回收的認識! 我也進一步上我們Camden的網站查了,希望飯糰家族的回收可以做好一點,也希望全倫敦可以給他統一下.

In London, recycling work is depending on different councils(boroughs. Every household in Ealing has a green box' white bag' pink bag and a small buket, green one is for normal recycling, paper' batteries' bottles..ect. White bag is for plastic products, except Polystyrene' toy' electric equipments. Pink bag is for garden waste like leaves and bucket is for kitchen waste.
在大倫敦地區,資源回收是各個區(borough)的區政府辦得。像是在 Ealing,我們每個人有一個綠盒子,一個白色袋子,一個粉紅色袋子,以及一個小桶子。 


Other borough, like Shepherds gives every household a giant-bag for all recyclings except kitchen waste. But it dosen't mean that they don't recycle plastic products, because everyone has to put the plastic products in assigned point. Some boroughs will help you to recycle every kinds of recycling in the area which has few residents, like Hillingdon. Council will come to collect the recyclings every week or two weeks.
而像是其他區,像是 Shepherds 就是分發一個巨大的袋子,把所有的可回收物品都丟進去,紙類塑膠玻璃等等,但是不回收廚餘。
It's a pity, where you live, Camden, they have plastic bag and bottles recycle, but they don't do plastic containers. If they change the contractor, it might have the chance to change. Actually polystyrene can be recycled in UK, just depending on which borough you live.
你的那一區應該是 Camden,Camden 有塑膠袋回收,有塑膠瓶Plastic bottles回收,但是不接受塑膠包裝盒Plastic
containers資源回收,這是很可惜的,不過如果,如果哪天 Camden政府換了一家資源回收承包商,這是會改變的。
In UK, they use Polystyrene, styroform is a name of a brand and their product is well known as Extruded polystyrene(XPS) which is often used in architect material. What we use in daily life should be  Expended polystyrene(EPS).

在英國保麗龍通常是叫做 Polystyrene。Styroform是一個品牌名,styroform, 最被人知道的產品是 Extruded polystyrene
(XPS),這比較常用在建築材料,雖然現在也有時候會被拿來當作泡泡綿的替代品,但是在中文當我們在說保麗龍的時候,其實應該是指 Expanded Polystyrene(EPS)。在Camden 政府資源回收網站有說:
Polystyrene is a plastic that cannot be recycled in Camden. Due to it
has limited uses and low market demand, the plastics used to make
polystyrene are not economical to collect and recycle. The most
sustainable way to deal with polystyrene is to reduce your polystyrene
usage. If you must use disposable items, use recyclable alternatives.
For example, plastic cups can be transformed into pencils and pens by


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