
晚上參加Lily家的煙火派對,英國人感覺還蠻注重節日的歡慶~bonfire day。主人準備了很多食物,溫紅酒等等。不知道帶什麼,到中國城文興買了一隻烤鴨,還好大家還算喜歡。

小孩子們活潑到一個不行,十多個小孩我看只有飯糰顯現出害羞,這是天生的嗎?? 感覺上他平常玩的時候像個猴子,現在一碰到陌生人或環境整個表現就有點像烏龜;不過20-30分鐘後就回到猴子的本性了。


We were invited to a firework party held by Lily's parents. It seems that bonfire day is important in British family. They prepared lots of food, warm red wine..ect.  Fortuately, they like the duck I bought from four season.

Kids were so excited. Only Vincent is shywhen he see some people he didn't know (Is thid nature?). But after 20-30 mins, he became a monkey again.

Thank you for Lily's parents. We did have a very good time.

And don't forget to have a look of the film. Really funny !!


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