
I have been in London for nearly 2 years, what makes me confusing is the policy of recycling and plastic using. I had mentioned about this in my blog, plastic products are everywhere in London, and what makes it worse is there is no recycling for plastic products except bottles.
來倫敦以近兩年,最令我訝異的應該是倫敦(我住的Camden)對於塑膠的回收政策. 過去隱約有在部落格中提到,倫敦商店使用塑膠的頻率很高,但最遭的是往往我們自己會自動把他當回收分類垃圾, 但最後不知道要丟到哪, 因為政府(Camden)除了對於寶特瓶回收其他的塑膠製品是不會收的.

Unlike we use polystyrene(保麗龍) in Taiwan, they use lots of plastic container in storaging mushrooms' beans' baby corns' meat and fish in supermarkets in London (maybe UK). And it's good that goverment dose recycle styrofoam in Tiapei (Although i don't know much of how they dealing with it.), this is what I really don't understand why a developing country have this kind of problem??
相對於台灣使用保麗龍的習慣,倫敦超級市場使用大量的塑膠容器來保存香菇'豆子'小玉米'肉及魚等等(有可能是全英國都這樣),雖然不太確定台北市如何處理回收保麗龍,但至少是有回收. 也因此我實在無法理解倫敦(Camden)這個已開發國家的首都,為何沒有明確的塑膠回收政策?

In the mid of this year, there are lots of news about plastic bags used in supermarket, and some of the shops started to stop to provide it. Maybe London's supermarkets/ shops will no longer provide plastic bags in the near future . But what about plastic recycling?? 
今年中,新聞中常報導有關超市免費發放塑膠袋導致的環境問題, 後來有些商店開始停止供應塑膠袋, 不久後倫敦的超商有可能將全面不再供應塑膠袋.

There is an interesting news in BBC's front page today. A girl, aged 31, who tried not to buy products with plastic for a month. I really like the kind of action because It's not like an academic declaration and it's kind of an activist and much more close to normal people's life. What's fun is when she finished her one month try, she came with the conclusion that she can't get rid of all of plastic products, but will try to strike a compromise in between.
為什麼談到塑膠袋呢? 今天早上BBC首頁有一個有趣的新聞. 一位三十一歲的媽媽, 嘗試一個月內盡量不買塑膠包裝的產品, 從下面的連結你可以看到他的心得, 與其他學院式的宣言不同, 這種像是實踐主義的行為是比較貼近凡人生活的, 也是我很欣賞的一種方式, 結束一個月的行動後, 並沒有讓她完全擺脫塑膠包裝產品, 但卻在其中獲得一些妥協及收穫!

I especailly like to introduce a book I saw in booksotre,'The Everyday Activist: Everything You Need to Know to Get Off Your Backside and Make a Difference'.  It's not a very complicated book, but i really like the idea that people should do more than talk.
在這裡,我要推薦一本書~ '每日的實踐家',這不是一本太深奧的書,但卻試圖傳達[ 坐而言 / 不如起而行 ]的想法. 這比較符合我的觀點!

If you look into the Chris's blog, you'll find lots of products with plastic which you never noticed. Also, it reminds me that when i was young, my dad always carried a stainless pot to buy hot soya milk for us in trandition maket. My dad always said 'plastic bag will release poison when it comes across heat (high temperature)'.
如果大家仔細看Chris的部落格,你會發現其實生活中很多產品都有"塑膠"的痕跡,這些都是我們很容易忽略的, 這讓我想起小時後我父親常常提著不鏽鋼鍋去市場買熱豆漿'豆花給我們吃,因為他總說:塑膠袋遇熱會產生毒素.

Finally, I came up with a question, what's the different between  polystyrene(保麗龍) and plastic materials? I know they are all not enviromental friendly and can't be decomposed. Why we use a lot of  polystyrene in Taiwan and here in London with plastic?  I think it's because of storage and shipping process(weather) make them do different packing in different country. It looks like  polystyrene gets much more poison when it burns. I am not suer? Could someone gives your opinion?
這些讓我想到一個問題, 雖然我知道保麗龍跟塑膠都是不環保的材料, 但到底有啥不同? 應該說誰比較毒? 我們在台灣使用較多的保麗龍'而倫敦卻用塑膠容器來包裝食物, 有可能是跟運輸方式及氣候有關? 但看起來保麗龍燃燒時是比塑膠更毒的. 有沒有那個專家想提供一下高見?


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